ln -s [source][/source] [destination]
日本語で検索してもあまり情報が見つからず、英語で検索したところ、いつもの stackoverflow に引っかかりました。
osx – Creating directory hard links in MacOS X? – Stack Overflow
TimeMachine の為に作られたという、ハードリンクという機能を使うことによって実現出来るそうです。
I have bundled up the suggested answer in a git rep if anybody is interested
I also noticed that unlink command does not work on snow leopard .. so I added an option to unlink
so simple once installed it can be used as follow:
to link:
hardlink source destination
to unlink:
hardlink -u destination
selkhateeb/hardlink – GitHub
git clone git://github.com/selkhateeb/hardlink.git
sudo make install
to link: hardlink source destination
to unlink: hardlink -u destination
Sorry, but I am completely noob.
I am trying that command “hardlink source destination” and I’m getting: “Usage: hardlink source destination …..”
Can someone please give me the right instructions how to make a hardlink.
Why I need this?
(I even dont know if is possible to hardlink folder from external disk to local disk.)
Anyway…. iTunes. I have two external disks for media. One is for “audio” and the other is for “video”.
I wanna have both external disks (or folders from both disks) pointed to local disk, /Users/’user’/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media/. So when I delete a media file in iTunes library, it should get deleted from external disk(s) too.
And also, if I set iTunes Media folder location, to one of the external disks, some folders are created for iTunes, which I don’t like to have them there.
OS X 10.7.2
Hi Roger,
You need to type “source” and “destination” correct
hardlink source destination
Tomos-MBP-17:~ tomohisa$ cd ~/Music/iTunes/
Tomos-MBP-17:~ tomohisa$ hardlink /Volumes/BackUps/folder ./folder
Let me know if you have further question…
Hi admin,
hm… I can’t get this to work :(
Maybe if I give you my paths, than you can write me exact line:
Local Disk: /Users/Roger/Music/iTunes/iTunes Media
External drive 1: /Volumes/Media Audio/Music
External drive 2: /Volumes/Media Video/Movies
so, I wanna have external disks’ folders hardlinked to iTunes Media location.
how about this.
hardlink /Users/Roger/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Music /Volumes/Media\ Audio/Music
hardlink /Users/Roger/Music/iTunes/iTunes\ Media/Music /Volumes/Media\ Video/Movies
Hope you get what you want. This “Hardlink” is made for the TimeMachine Backup, so it should work with external Drive.
OK, I put brackets around long folders and hardlink’s output is now ‘hardlink: Cross-device link’.
But still, there is no new folder created on destination.
i mean quotes